Improved Smiles for Calgary and Nearby Areas in Alberta

Chronic headaches can have a significant impact on daily life, affecting work and personal activities, and often leading to the use of prescription medication for relief. However, relying on medication does not address the underlying cause of the headaches, leaving sufferers with a potentially lifelong dependence.

TMD and Headaches

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a common cause of chronic headaches, as it causes tension in the jaw muscles that can lead to severe headaches. If left untreated, TMD can continue to strain the muscles and exacerbate headaches.

Dr. Jennifer Silver, a Calgary dentist, has extensive experience in detecting TMD and can offer several treatment options to target the root cause of the headaches. By addressing TMD, patients can enjoy a life free from chronic pain and its limitations.

If you suffer from chronic headaches in Calgary or the surrounding areas of Alberta, schedule a TMD evaluation at Southcentre Dental Clinic contact with Dr. Silver to identify the source of your discomfort and start your journey towards a better quality of life.