Providing Better Smiles to Calgary & nearby areas of Alberta

When deciding on a permanent solution for your missing or severely damaged teeth, you should consult with a dentist, evaluate the facts and decide which option best meets your needs and goals. With recent dental implant technological advancements, there are multiple choices to replace your teeth.

Two of the most durable and popular options are:

Traditional dental implants consist of a small titanium screw that is placed into your jaw that serves as a replacement root. Eventually, the implant fuses with the jawbone and creates a permanent fixture for your artificial tooth. For the procedure to work, there must be enough bone in the jaw, and the bone has to be strong enough to hold and support the implant. Traditional implants are much stronger and more durable than crowns and bridges that are cemented into place, or dentures that are removable. These implants are comfortable and allow you to continue living the way you always have been, like eating your favorite foods. Mini dental implants are essentially a smaller version of the traditional implants. They are smaller in diameter than regular implants and are more ideal for individuals with a thin bone structure or smaller teeth. Mini dental implants are so narrow that they usually are embedded into your bone underneath the gum tissue without extensive surgery. This procedure is usually less invasive than traditional implants, and mini dental implants are also typically a less expensive option than traditional implants.

If you would like more information on the differences between traditional dental implants and mini dental implants, please contact Calgary, Alberta, dentist Dr. Jennifer Silver at Southcentre Dental Clinic to schedule a consultation.